Monday, June 22, 2009

Catch-up time at the OK Corral...

Much fun was had on our double date in Salt Lake City. Our hosts, Jon and Tara, took us to The Roof, an up-scale all-you-can-eat buffet. It is situated next door to the pokey building (aka The Temple). While we gorged on our delicious meal, we watched a Peregrine Falcon eat his dinner, of what I thot was dove, on the Temple! Cool! After dinner we rolled ourselves over to meet Evan (not Hollywood) and his Amish horse Ace. They took us on a carriage ride thru the city to Memorial Park, a lovely ride on a lovely evening.

The next morning we headed out for Yellowstone, via Montpelier, ID and Jackson, WY. I was delighted to find my long lost cousins at Bingham Cyclery (j/k) but they wouldn't give me the family discount! Lunch in Montpelier was at a greasy spoon, and dinner was at Osteria, a MOST DELICIOUS restaurant in Teton Village. Evan's friend Stacy manages it and took great care of us!

We arrived at our KOA in West Yellowstone late evening and set up camp. Come morning we grabbed our cameras and headed to the park. All of the wild thing sightings were exciting, and the hot springs and geysers were beautiful. Old Faithful did its thing- all the people downwind got drenched! And we all had the slight stench of hard boiled eggs by the end of the day!

Day 2 in Yellowstone was another day of observation, and by the time we exited the park, we had seen buffalo, elk, a black bear with twins, mule deer, a coyote hunting in a meadow, bald eagles, Pronghorn antelope, ducks, osprey, herons, geese, marmot, chipmonks/squirrels, really big ravens, magpies and many more... Even a golden-doodle! ;]

Our exit route was slowed by construction, but who's in a rush???

We arrived in Cody in time to set up camp, feed ourselves and hop the bus to the RODEO! oh boy! what fun! Had the best BBQ nachos I've ever tasted and a bud light! Yeehaw! The rodeo was entertaining, the clowns silly, the animals strong and athletic, and some riders even wore gawdy apparel! :]

Our bus ride back was prolonged by a forgotten family and a very unhappy baby ready for bed. It's amazing how such a little person can have such a BIG voice!
The following day we set course for Mount Rushmore. Our ride was sprinlked with many antelope, green rolling hills, steep cliffs of bland grey and vibrant rusts. I spotted a Golden Eagle soaring over a field, and we bought a bird book so I could be confident in my identifications!
We arrived at our KOA, pitched our tent, and joined the party heading to Mt. Rushmore to watch the evening lighting ceremony of the monument. While there we had ice cream, oohed and aahed, snapped just a few pictures ;], took a turn around the grounds and I blubbered while the park ranger told us of the massacre at Wounded Knee and when all of our military personnel were acknowledged. The lighting of the 4 presidents was a lovey end to a memorable visit!

All-you-can-eat pancake brekky is GREAT! Only $2.50 and I don't have to worry about feeding Evan for HOURS!!! :]

And here starts the long days in the car...Rapid City, SD to Bismarck, ND ohhhh about 7 hours driving, with a couple stops along the way: lunch and a quick donation at the Indian Casino! Once in Bismarck we made camp, supped (rib eye w/ zucchini), did a lil laundry and WATCHED TV on Hulu!! Burn Notice, not bad.

Hollywood & Princess Hit the Road...for real! Over June 22-24 we will be traversing 1200 miles over some pretty innocent land. North Dakota is nice, but there isn't much to pop out at you. Minnesota is just plum full of lakes (and turtles!) We will be touching Wisco, but not for very long (about 100 mi) before reaching Michigan. So far on this trip, we've accumulated 3500 miles and the Jeep just passed 120,000 mi for itself. Such wonderful milestones! (no pun intended)
When I set out to plan this adventure, I had a small idea of how the nights and mornings would go. Now, after more than two weeks of almost constant moving, I realize that there is no way to plan for a trip like this. We drive most of the day and arrive at our KOAs after 6, set up camp, eat, clean up and play games. We haven't done much sampling of our Orancello (maybe we're subliminally waiting for Sunapee) and haven't had the first opportunity to crack open our books. I brought Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, and Mom and Pop gave us a trio of mysteries and they all still lay untouched. Our mornings are strictly related to breaking camp, eating breakfast and hightailing it so that we don't get in too late to the next campsite.

We're hoping to buck the trend soon. Today, Princess & I went for a short morning jog, and then we bought Glenlivet 15yr old Scotch at Walmart in Jamestown, ND...maybe that lil bit of inspiration could wake us up!
Ciao fur now! H & P :]

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